Monday 14 May 2012

Of Gods and Men

                                                Of Gods and Men

 In of Gods and Men the movie was about eight French monks who lived in the Algerian Mountains in the 1990’s before being kidnapped in 1996 by Islamic terrorist. The men in the movie were asked if they wanted army protection but being a monk it was against their thoughts of being equal with everyone else. Some of the men originally were suppose to just go back to France and leave the situation but they chose to stay because of their Christian faith. I think the moral of the story is Christian faith it shows in the film as Jesus did had a last supper with the wine and the bread similar to the last supper. The night before the Islamic terrorist came in and kidnapped them. My opinion of the movie was it was overall about believing in your faith and sticking to what you believe in. The monks in the movie showed that very well on how none of them left when they could have no problem also showing that they are no better than anyone else. This movie overall was a very inspiring movie towards your Christian faith it showed when things got tough you stuck to what you believed in and didn’t let anything or anyone stop with what you had. Even if the price of staying was death.

                                          This is a photo of the actual French Monks that got
                                             kidnapped my the Islamic Terrorist.

                                                  Muslims being tortured for apparent reason at all.

                                         British male being held hostage my Islamic Terrorist.

                                        A group of Muslims praying while Christians perform a
                                         circle around them holding hands.

                                                 Group of Muslims kids praying together.

                                              Group of Christians praying together.

                                                       Religious persecution in the mosques of
                                                       different religions. Shows what happened
                                                      at that time.

                                                  A young boy being Religiously persecuted in
                                                     Tantamount.Shows the pain they went through

                                                A group of Christian monks.

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